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Mountain military officer killed in climbing accident
EMHM instructor falls to his death on the Mont Blanc Massif
Adjutant Chef (Chief Warrant Officer) Laurent Fabre of the Ecole Militaire de Haute Montagne (EMHM) has been tragically killed on a training exercise in the Mont Blanc Massif.
The accident occurred yesterday morning (Wednesday 22nd August) at 10:30am on the Arête des Papillons (Aiguille du Peigne); Laurent Fabre was leading an Alpine course with 3 trainees when he fell and the safety rope somehow broke.
Adjutant Chef Fabre had been a member of various mountain military regiments since he completed his training in 1991, he qualified as a high mountain guide in 1999 and had been serving as an instructor with the Chamonix EMHM since 2010.
He was a keen sportsman and highly regarded amongst his colleagues; his many achievements over the years included being part of the fastest team ever to ski the Haute Route from Chamonix to Zermatt (20 hours 28 minutes), being on the winning military team at the 2012 Patrouille des Glaciers and later the same year breaking the record for the quickest ski team to complete the Tour du Mont Blanc (10 hours 27 minutes). As a Quechua Raid team member he achieved many victories and was preparing the team for the world championships in September. Laurent, known as 'Lolo' to his friends, was 44 years old at the time of his death.
Adjutant Chef Laurent Fabre will be honoured in a military ceremony on Friday, one of his Quechua Raid team members has spoken of his « humour omniprésent, ses qualités humaines, sa dévotion pour ses équipiers, ses compétences multiples » - "constant humour, kind nature, devotion to his team mates, his many skills". Our condolences go out to his family, friends and colleagues.
Sources : Emhm.terre.defense.gouv.fr / Nordicmagazine.info