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Chamonix Video Report : 22nd June 2012

Final farewell to Stéphane Brosse

featured in Video reports Author Robin Deering, Chamonix Editor Updated

Seb Montaz has posted a farewell message to his friend Stephane Brosse who lost his life in a tragic accident on the 17th June 2012, when a snow cornice collpased under his weight on the aiguille d'Argentière.

Seb Montaz says "Au revoir Stephane and thanks so much for these moments together !" on his video blog profile page.

The Dauphine newspaper recently published an article titled 'Stéphane Brosse, the last race' which opens with a favourite joke of Stepahne's : "Two mountaineers arrive at the summit, the first one sits down and opens the lunch pack, dropping one of the apples back down the slope. He turns to the other and says "Damn, your apple!"

Montagne TV will be screening a special tribute documentary on Stephane Brosse on Tuesday 26th June at 20:40