© Joel Evans
Aiguillette d'Argentiere
A sunny walk to a stunning climbing destination
Leaving the town of Argentiere, this walk takes you through the south facing woods to the popular climbing crag of Aiguillette d'Argentiere
You can't miss this popular climbing hot spot as you get near to it. Rising straight out of the hillside this 50m monolith has a selection of bolted climbs ranging from 4c to 6b.
A popular area in the summer for climbers, hikers and families, this spot benefits from its south facing location and receives sunlight late into the evening.
What to bring
Bring everything you would usually take for a long hike in the mountains. Being south facing, sun cream is advised on sunny days. IGN3630 map is also recommended.
Where to lunch
Unfortunately there are no refreshment stops along this trail so a packed lunch is advised. There are a selection of boulangeries in Argentiere as well as the Super U.
The trail starts opposite the UCPA building on the high street in Argentiere. From here you follow the sign posted trail that leads to the Aiguillette d'Argentiere/ Lac Cheserys. The trail zig zags its way through the forest and every intersection is marked so you will find it hard to get lost. You can follow the same trail back to Argentiere or take one of the many different possible descent routes, all clearly sign posted.