© Alison Shayler
© Alison Shayler
© Pete D Roberts
Argentiere Glacier Hike
Get a close up look at the glacier towering above Argentiere
A lift-accessed high altitude hike above 2,000m, with some of Chamonix's most picturesque views of the valley.
This walk takes you to a spectacular viewpoint over the ice falls of the Argentiere glacier at 2,338m altitude. Advancing at an average speed of one metre per day, this is a truly impressive glacier.
What to bring
IGN3630 map is recommended
Where to lunch
The Chalet-Refuge de Lognan is en route and serves good simple food. There is also a cafeteria-style restaurant at the Lognan lift station that does snacks and meals.
Having taken the Grand Montets cable car up to the Croix de Lognan, follow the EDF track that passes underneath the Herse chairlift (open winter only) to the sub-glacial water supply galleries above the Chalet-Refuge de Lognan (where incidentally they serve some truly delicious home-made tarts!).
From here you have two options to reach the view point; either continue up the ski run where the gradient is more gentle and the terrain underfoot is easier, or take the steep path along the top of the moraine, which undoubtedly has better views but is more difficult.
Return by the same route.